In We’koqma’q, we believe that our people are our strength. The Employment and Training Department is dedicated to supporting the education and goals of our community members, and helping to overcome barriers to employment. Our programs are supported by and delivered in partnership with the Mi’kmaq Training and Employment Secretariat (METS) –
See below for a list of available programs.
Skills Development assists aboriginal clients to obtain skills for employment. Purchase of courses may include upgrading and literacy courses, life skills courses, occupational or skills courses including apprenticeship training etc. Skills Development does not include either high school courses or university courses, or correspondence programs. Clients should be 19 and out of the school system for at least one year. Favorable Labour Market Research must accompany the application for funding in order to be considered for funding.
The Work Experience Program is designed to assist unemployed aboriginal clients or groups of people to receive hands-on job experience and training while earning a wage which is Unemployment Insurance eligible. Under WEP, for every hour of training provided by the employer, there must be a minimum of 4 hours of actual work experience/practice of the acquired skill. This program is ideal for youth with no real work experience and for older workers who want to re-enter the labour market. Participants must be out of the school system for at least one year.
The Apprenticeship Program is designed to assist unemployed aboriginal clients who are interested in apprenticeship (journeyman) certification. Clients can be assisted with on-the-job training and skills training.
Employment Assistance Service is a support measure developed to assist organizations in the provision of employment services to unemployed or about to become unemployed aboriginal clients. Services can include but not limited to: – Counselling – Career Action planning – Job search skills – Job Finding Clubs – Provision of Labour Market Information – Case management and follow-up – Needs Assessment – Motivation, Assertiveness, Self-Esteem – Resume Writing – CPR/First Aid – WHMIS
The Employment Maintenance Program has been developed to assist unemployed or about to become unemployed aboriginal clients to enhance their current skills through short term training interventions. The EMP program will assist individuals who, due to technological changes in their occupation, have lost their employment or are in danger of losing their job. This training may include computer technology, new or upgrading skill levels, work related training sessions or seminars such as communications, work ethics, interpersonal skills, etc. Employers are expected to train their own employees. This program should not be used to replace the employer’s responsibility.
The Mobility Exploration Program is used to provide financial assistance to aboriginal clients who have confirmed offers of employment in another community which is at least 150 kms away. The Mobility Program can also be used to assist clients to attend a verified job interview that is at least 150 kms away.
The Job Creation Program is used to provide meaningful work activities for unemployed clients to provide them with work experience and to assist them in acquiring new skills or maintaining their current skills in periods of unemployment. This program supports employers, community groups and communities in developing and implementing strategies for dealing with human resource requirements.
The Self-Employment Assistance Program has been designed to assist unemployed Aboriginal clients to create their own business. This program will be available for unemployed or about to become unemployed aboriginal clients. The participants must be at least 19 years of age and out of the school system for a minimum of one year. Clients must have a viable business plan as recommended by the Economic Development Officer.
Project Based training is designed to assist unemployed persons who need specific training to enter or re-enter the labour market. This training will normally be conducted in a classroom environment and will consist of formal theory training with some practical and on the job experience. Training will always be conducted by a qualified instructor and if possible by a person of Mi’kmaq decent. The training must have transference of skills/abilities which may lead to cottage type industry.
The Special Needs Program has been developed to provide financial assistance to eligible clients who have physical and psychological barriers to employment. This program is intended to assist these clients to prepare for, obtain and keep employment or self-employment. Clients must be 15 years of age or older and out of the regular school system for a minimum of one year. The client barrier cannot be part-time, therefore, clients who are eligible for funding supports under Worker’s Compensation or Sick Benefits under the Employment Insurance Act are not eligible for support until eligibility terminates.
The Youth Employment Services/Programs has been developed to assist youth in gaining work experience that would allow them to make the transition from school to work. This objective is achieved by the following initiatives: – Youth Internship (Career Focus) – Summer Work Experience – Self-Employment Student Program – Skills Link
Director: Susan Raye Googoo
Phone: (902) 756-3149
Fax: (902) 756-3436
Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday 9 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
We'koqma'q Departments
P.O. Box 149 | 150 Reservation Road
We’koqma’q, NS B0E 3M0
Phone: 902-756-2337